In a city like San Diego, it seems like everyone and their brother has a real estate license. So how do the realtors that I work with differentiate themselves from the crowd to get those multi-million dollar listings in Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Jolla and Solana Beach? In a word, branding. Top realtors understand that their job is all about personality and relationships. If clients feel like they can relate to you more than the next realtor, they’re probably going to give YOU their business. My realtor lifestyle and branding shoots are designed to give them a well curated window into who you are. Are you quirky? Beachy? A locals local? Super luxe? Sporty Spice? Surfer guy? However you want to portray yourself to the world (and you’d BETTER know what that is!) no marketing dollars spent will generate more return on investment than the ones that gets a potential client excited about a well defined YOU.